search and replace 在《牛津英西词典》中的词汇

词条search and replace在英语»西班牙语中的译文

replace [ rəˈpleɪs, rɪˈpleɪs] 动词 trans

and [ ænd, (ə)n, ənd, (ə)n, and] KONJ The usual translation of and, y, becomes e when it precedes a word beginning with i, hi, or y.
and is sometimes used between two verbs in English to mean in order to: let's wait and see esperemos para ver qué or lo que pasa.

search and replace 在《PONS词典》中的词汇

词条search and replace在英语»西班牙语中的译文

and [ən, ənd, stressed: ænd] KONJ




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