英语 » 中文

bestial [ˈbestıəl]

II . best [best] [well的最高级]

I . stir <stirred; stirring> [stɜː] 动词 trans

1. stir:

II . stir <stirred; stirring> [stɜː] 动词 不及物动词

III . stir <stirred; stirring> [stɜː] 名词

1. stir:

2. stir:

stir <stirred; stirring> [stɜː]

destiny [ˈdestını] 名词

1. destiny:

vestige [ˈvestıdʒ] 名词

festive [ˈfestıv]

beating [ˈbiːtıŋ] 名词

2. beating:

I . despair [dıˈspeə] 名词

beset <beset; besetting> [bıˈset] 动词 trans

1. beset:

2. beset:

▶ besetment 名词

stair [steə] 名词

1. stair [常作复数]:


Took part also the smiths of "dadaps" (embossed coverings) of gold and silver, all of them bestirring themselves the more in their respective customary occupations.
This is a book that can bestir the sediment of painful truths that many a conscious mind has conveniently let go.
He neither required nor bestirred himself to sit through any awkward and heavily self-edited tributes from party leaders who had laboured mightily, for years, to get him gone.
When you're too sick to bestir yourself any more than dialing the phone and answering your doorbell, passable wonton soup is better than no wonton soup.
The 5,800 volunteers in 2004 also discovered that urban birds like to lie in, bestirring themselves later than their country cousins.
Deep within some of the batting inside the camera was a small colony of streptococcus bacteria which, when cultured, bestirred themselves and resumed growing and dividing.
Still, if council really is alive to the heavy toll of employee wages and benefits, the public also needs to bestir itself.
It is undoubtedly true that the people who migrate show a level of initiative and industry than many who want to migrate but do not bestir themselves.
But bestir himself, you will agree with me, he did.
I sincerely hope that our city councillors will, without delay, bestir themselves and prevent the vandal action that is now contemplated.



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