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TV [ˈtiːˈviː] 名词

TV → television

参见: television set

television set 名词, television

crash show 名词, crash TV

crash TV 名词

crash TV → crash show

参见: crash show

crash show 名词, crash TV

digital TV 名词

trash television 名词, trash TV

trash TV 名词

trash TV → trash television

参见: trash television

trash television 名词, trash TV

TV movie 名词

TV reporter 名词

wire TV 名词

big screen TV 名词

family TV hour 名词

family TV hour → family hour

参见: family hour

family hour 名词, family time, family TV hour, family viewing hour, family viewing time

non-fiction TV 名词

reality program, reality show, reality TV 名词

TV/VCR combo [ˈkɒmbəʊ] 名词

family hour 名词, family time, family TV hour, family viewing hour, family viewing time


He is also the vicechair of TV 2.
He appeared in around 75 TV programmes between 1966 and his death in 1992.
He directed 18 episodes of the TV series himself, which aired from 1955 to 1965 in two versions.
The band also plays a set on the accompanying TV show.
In addition, most current releases feature the edited TV version of the film.
The TV series started in 1985, and it still continues today.
He began his career as an assistant for his father and then began to direct episodes for TV series.



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